I think Barry needs A) a non speedster villain in season four, though someone who can still go toe-to-toe with him and B) someone whose identity isn’t a mystery for more than a short while so we don’t have round four of this little guessing game, which is getting old. Again, while this formula can work well (and Arrow actually did a good job copying The Flash’s formula this season with its Prometheus storyline, and had a head-fake no one saw coming), for The Flash itself, it’s getting a bit tiresome. By keeping the identity of X villain a secret over the course of the season, the obvious answer is that it’s going to be some member of the cast, past or present, so it’s just a game of musical chairs as you try to guess who it is. Exactly what the DeVoes are planning with the new busload of Metahumans remains to be seen.I’m not upset that I wasn’t super surprised by this reveal, but I do think it’s time to let this formula go. DeVoe’s unnatural intellect is draining his physical body, and Marlize has built some complicated machinery to try and slow that process down. He developed the debilitating disease ALS and lost the use of his legs. Shortly after starting to use the device, DeVoe was hospitalized by a spasm. However, The Thinking Cap’s gifts came at a price. The device endowed DeVoe with an even greater intellect, making him a true force to be reckoned with. When the dark matter came, it succeeded in powering up The Thinking Cap. They stood outside the lab and waited for the dark matter explosion.
DeVoe knew that this would send a powerful wave of dark matter spreading across Central City, so he made preparations accordingly.ĭeVoe and his wife brought The Thinking Cap to STAR Labs on the day of Eobard’s big launch. Being a genius, DeVoe worked out that Thawne’s plans involved the blowing up of the accelerator.
See also Monster Hunter Rise How to Get WellDone Steak for Elder Fugenīefore the events of The Flash season 1, Clifford met with Eobard Thawne (aka The Reverse-Flash, who is played in this era by Tom Cavanagh) to talk about the STAR Labs particle accelerator. But they needed a huge power source to get it working. A few years ago, working with his wife Marlize DeVoe (aka The Mechanic, played by Kim Engelbrecht), Clifford DeVoe developed a device called ‘The Thinking Cap’, which can broaden the range of human intellect. His particular specialism is military strategy. He studied in Johannesburg and Oxford before moving to Central City to teach history. Fans now know that DeVoe was born in South Africa.
In The Flash season 4 episode 7, “Therefore I Am”, flashbacks were used to clue viewers in about some important backstory details regarding DeVoe (hat tip CBR). Related: The Flash References Weird Comic Book Villain, Starro It quickly became apparent that DeVoe is always one step ahead of Barry, not least because he knew about the dark matter leakage from the Speed Force and was tracking the bus passengers that turned into Metahumans before Barry was even aware of their existence. Sandilands was cast at The Thinker over the show’s summer break, and he made his big on-screen debut in The Flash season 4 episode 1, “The Flash Reborn”. The series’ star Grant Gustin has already explained that Barry Allen is “obsessed with finding this guy” because he doesn’t want “things to get out of hand again as they always do.” Fans with good memories will recall that DeVoe’s arrival on the villainous scene was teased twice last season, with both Kadabra and Savitar forewarning Barry about his next nemesis. The latest episode of The Flash season 4 has revealed how Neil Sandilands’ Clifford DeVoe become the big bad of the year, The Thinker. You Are Reading : The Flash Reveals The Thinkers Backstory The latest episode of The Flash season 4 has revealed how Neil Sandilands’ Clifford DeVoe became the big bad of the year, The Thinker. The Flash Reveals The Thinker’s Backstory