Editix 2013
Editix 2013

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Trang: Multi-Format Schema Converter Based on RELAX NG, October 2008. Liquid technologies: Graphical XML Editor, March 2018.

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StylusStudio: XML Integrated Development Environment (XML IDE), March 2018. Quinlan, J.R., Rivest, R.L.: Inferring decision trees using the minimum description length principle. Peng, F., Chen, H.: Discovering restricted regular expressions with interleaving. Papakonstantinou, Y., Vianu, V.: DTD inference for views of XML data. Microsoft: Xml Schema Inference - Developer Network, March 2018. Mherman: XML Schema Generator, March 2018. Martens, W., Neven, F.: Frontiers of tractability for typechecking simple XML transformations. Martens, W., Neven, F.: Typechecking top-down uniform unranked tree transducers. Manolescu, I., Florescu, D., Kossmann, D.: Answering XML queries on heterogeneous data sources. Li, Y., Zhang, X., Xu, H., Mou, X., Chen, H.: Learning restricted regular expressions with interleaving from XML data. Li, Y., Zhang, X., Peng, F., Chen, H.: Practical study of subclasses of regular expressions in DTD and XML schema. Li, Y., Mou, X., Chen, H.: Learning concise relax NG schemas supporting interleaving from XML documents. Li, Y., Chu, X., Mou, X., Dong, C., Chen, H.: Practical study of deterministic regular expressions from large-scale XML and schema data. Koch, C., Scherzinger, S., Schweikardt, N., Stegmaier, B.: Schema-based scheduling of event processors and buffer minimization for queries on structured data streams. JetBrains: Capable and Ergonomic IDE for JVM, March 2018. InstanceToSchema: RELAX NG Schema Generator, October 2003. Hopcroft, J.E., Motwani, R., Ullman, J.D.: Introduction to Automata Theory, Languages, and Computation. Grijzenhout, S., Marx, M.: The quality of the XML web. Gold, E.M.: Language identification in the limit. Garofalakis, M.N., Gionis, A., Rastogi, R., Seshadri, S., Shim, K.: XTRACT: learning document type descriptors from XML document collections. García, P., Vidal, E.: Inference of k-testable languages in the strict sense and application to syntactic pattern recognition. įreydenberger, D.D., Kötzing, T.: Fast learning of restricted regular expressions and DTDs. įeng, X.Q., Zheng, L.X., Chen, H.M.: Inference algorithm for a restricted class of regular expressions. ĮditiX: Open Source XML Editor, March 2018.

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In: Proceedings of the 14th DBPL (2013)ĭevutilsonline: Free XML to XSD Generator, March 2018. 13–18 (2013)Ĭhe, D., Aberer, K., Özsu, M.T.: Query optimization in XML structured-document databases. 998–1009 (2007)īoneva, I., Ciucanu, R., Staworko, S.: Simple schemas for unordered XML. 35(2), 11:1–11:47 (2010)īex, G.J., Neven, F., Vansummeren, S.: Inferring XML schema definitions from XML data. 115–126 (2006)īex, G.J., Neven, F., Schwentick, T., Vansummeren, S.: Inference of concise regular expressions and DTDs. TWEB 4(4), 14:1–14:32 (2010)īex, G.J., Neven, F., Schwentick, T., Tuyls, K.: Inference of concise DTDs from XML data. ACM 55(2), 8:1–8:79 (2008)īex, G.J., Gelade, W., Neven, F., Vansummeren, S.: Learning deterministic regular expressions for the inference of schemas from XML data. Keywordsīenedikt, M., Fan, W., Geerts, F.: XPath satisfiability in the presence of DTDs. The results reveal the high practicability and outstanding performance of our work, and indicate its promising prospects in application.

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We further conducted a series of experiments on large-scale real datasets, and evaluated the effectiveness of our work compared with both ongoing learning algorithms in academia and industrial tools in real world. We first defined a new subclass of regular expressions named k-OIREs, and developed an inference algorithm iKOIRE to learn k-OIRE based on genetic algorithm and maximum independent set (MIS). To the best of our knowledge, our work is the first to address these two inference problems at the same time. Therefore, we propose an entire framework which can support both k-OREs and interleaving. However, there have been no algorithms that can learn k-OREs with interleaving. Presently, the most powerful model to learn XML schemas is the k-occurrence regular expressions ( k-OREs for short). Previous researches have shown that the essential task in schema learning is inferring regular expressions from a set of given samples. Since lacking valid schemas is a critical problem for XML and present research on interleaving for XML is also quite insufficient, in this paper we focus on the inference of XML schemas with interleaving.

Editix 2013